Tuesday, March 15, 2011

What this blog is about..

Welcome, thanks for stopping by!  This is my very first blog entry…

I plan to post information about sewing.  I love to sew…I’m always thinking about the sewing projects I am working on…I sew almost every day… I can’t sew every day because I have to do things like housework, laundry, pay bills, blah, blah, blah. 

I plan to post information about my sewing life.  I will also tell you about sewing with kids.  I have a monthly sewing class I teach.  It started with my nieces and nephew, Victoria, Julianna and Diego.  Today we have about 6-12 family members sewing.  It sure is fun.  I will let you know what we’re working on and post some pictures of my beautiful family. I will also include photos of my past projects and let you know what I am working on. 

I live in Temecula and I go to a stimulating sewing class every Tuesday, (Tuesday is heirloom sewing, more about this later).  I also attend a group in De Luz called the “We’re in Stitches group.”  They are a wonderful group of ladies.

My DH, darling husband just bought me a longarm sit-down quilting machine!  I am so excited! It is a Handi Quilter Sweet Sixteen.  I have learned there are two parts in making a quilt...the construction (piecing) of it and the quilting (putting the 3 layers, a quilt sandwich, together, the top, the batting and the backing.) My Handi Quilter is a specialized machine that will do the quilting.  You sew the quilt on this machine using your hands to move the quilt to the needle.  It will be a challenge to master this machine, I will inform you of my journey.  I will be getting my machine set up tomorrow, that's my next blog.

That’s about all for now,  stay tuned to my blog…I have lots of exciting things to tell you…Sew long…Rose Valdillez.


  1. Hey Rose,
    Good luck with your Blog! I started one but never post anything LOL! I keep saying I'm going to put some time into it,but it just hasn't happened yet. At least I can use it to follow yours! Can't wait to see you post some pic's of your work and sewing activities.


  2. Love the blog. The pictures look really good!
